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Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions 


The Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions team is dedicated to meeting the needs of people around the world.  The founding of this ministry was established out of a passion to help the needy sustain themselves during difficult seasons in life.




Our mission as defined in Matthew 25:35-36, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’


Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions seeks communities in the United States of America (U.S.A.), Caribbean, Central America and other countries that are in desperate need and provide assistance to sustain them through a crisis. We help with the immediate needs of orphans, widows, veterans, the elderly and underprivileged families, in communities where the conditions are less than humanly desirable.  Our mission is to raise the conditions of those who are struggling in life while giving them hope through practical aid so their future can become better and brighter. 


We provide service in the following areas:


 - Hope and humanitarian support and aide to those affected by poverty, widows and orphans, veterans, elderly and underprivileged families in the U.S.A., Caribbean, Central America, and other countries.


- We also help hurting and needy families by providing some of the basic tools that will assist them in overcoming some of life’s everyday problems, such as:

Providing back-to-school supplies to children in lower economic neighborhoods in the U.S.A and internationally.

Provide immediate care  and ongoing support to homeless  and displaced veterans, recovering addicts – i.e. hot meals, groceries, toiletries, blankets, clothing, shoes, etc.

Provide encouragement, counseling and biblical teachings to those in nursing homes, hospice, orphanages and counsel to troubled youths, inmates, and men, women and families in crisis.

Service the elderly with doctors’ visits, shopping, funeral and home care.





The vision of Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions is to seek communities in the U.S.A., Caribbean, Central America and other countries that are in desperate need and provide assistance to sustain them through a crisis. We help with the immediate needs of orphans, widows, the elderly and underprivileged families, in communities where the conditions are less than humanly desirable.  Our vision is to raise the conditions of those who are struggling in life while giving them hope through practical aid so  their future can become better and brighter.


Local Missions:


Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions is dedicated to meeting the needs of orphans, widows, the poor, veterans, disabled men and women in halfway houses, and single parent families.  Over the last fifteen (15) years we have provided the following supplies to those in need:



Current Local Ministry Activities/Offerings:


·         Groceries

·         Clothing

·         Back-to-School Supplies

·         Toys

·         Personal Items

·         Warm meals to Veterans and the Homeless

·         Birthday and Christmas gifts to under privilege families

·         Hospice/Nursing Home care

·         Counseling

·         Support Teens in rehabilitation

·         Assisted senior citizens with doctors visits, grocery shopping, and home care

·         Ongoing hospital visits to those who are dealing with catastrophic illnesses.



Future Local Ministry Goals:


·         Food & Clothing Pantries

·         College Funding for Single Parent Families

·         Expanding ministry to helping several other poor communities in the U.S.A.

·         Provide emergency and/or continuous support to widows and seniors



International Missions:


Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions is impacting the lives of thousands of people in the U.S.A., Caribbean, Central America and other parts of the world.  We provide for the needs of the less fortunate and partner with other organizations that will help enhance the lives of many families who are struggling with meeting their basic needs.



Current International Ministry Activities/Offerings:


  • Food Ministry​

  • Women's Ministry

  • Children's Ministry

  • Clothing Ministry

  • Missionary Preparation Ministry

  • Back-to-School Supplies Ministry

  • Toys Ministry

  •  Hospital visits – provide toys, clothes and gifts to sick children; provide prayer, encouragement and newborn items to support new mothers.


Future International Goals:


  •  Training for unskilled workers in various trades

  • Literacy training

  • Housing for poor families

  • Educational facilities

  • Assist with the building of medical clinics and providing supplies

  • Drill water wells

  • Assist with children daycare centers

  • Food Pantries

  • Assist with college funding for outstanding students



Thank you for your donations to Seed of Hope Worldwide Missions. Your contributions will be used exclusively for mission outreaches locally, nationally and internationally.





We would like to encourage you to support us by purchasing our books we provide.  Proceeds from these sales help us fund 95% of our activities.





The Seeds of Hope Worldwide Media page is designed to help you see some of the work we do through various media outlets.  In addition you can follow us on all social media platforms.


Contact Us:


We would like to thank you for your interest in Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions.  Please complete the “Contact Us” form below for prayer, to request additional information or if you would like to invite Ms. Murray for speaking opportunities.

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Joan E. Murray



Elizabeth Bandy

Projects and Events 



Daniel Leal

Director of Media and Production

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Linda Keeling

Director of Procurement


Gloria Leal

Director of Events

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Novellette Murray - Esters

Travel Coordinator


Phyllis Villanueva

Office and Events Coordinator

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Linda Crump

Executive Director

Be Inspired

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Seeds Of Hope and Joan Murray Ministries helping families
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Joan E. Murray

Changing Lives through Gods words

Joan Murray received Jesus as her Savior at the age of twelve. During the past twenty years she has taught the life-changing Word of God in churches, Bible study classes, conferences, seminars, prisons, and workshops. Her love for the Lord and her study of the Word has equipped her to teach, train, counsel, and pray for those in need. Her gift of intercession has deepened her love for people and has given her a heart of compassion, as well as a passion to see people whole, healed and set free by the power of God.

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©2023 by Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions

16203 Park Row, Suite 120

Houston, TX 77084

(281) 398-2501 or (888) 918-2688


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